Sunday, August 31, 2014

Famous Last Words: Week 2

For this weeks Famous Last Words post, I would like to reflect on my week overall. With school getting into the swing of things and life and work also in full gear, this past week was quite busy! Each day I wake up at 6:45 a.m., get myself ready for the day and sit and sip on a cup of coffee for at least ten minutes of quite calm reflection time before really starting my day. I then bike two miles from my apartment to campus and - depending on the day - go to class or go to the library to catch up on some work. If it is a Tuesday or Thursday where I don't have class until 10:30, I usually use the time between 8-10 to work on medical school secondary applications, which I am extremely happy to have finally finished this past week! After class, I have just enough time to bike back home, change into work clothes, cram a sandwich down, and then jump into my car and head to work. Once at work, I spend the next 6 hours of the day caring for patients at the physical therapy clinic I have been working at for the past almost two years. When the last patient leaves the clinic, I head home, eat dinner around 8:30 p.m. and then get a couple hours of studying/homework in before going to bed and starting all over again. So ya, this will be my life for this semester and most likely the next. It should be very busy, but also hopefully enlightening time in my life where a lot is going on and changing. Outside of the normal weekly activities, this week was especially exciting because I actually got to scrub in and be very up close and personal during a operation that surgeon I have been following was performing. Before that, I had to watch from a least a 5 foot distance, which makes it a little more difficult to see everything going on in the surgery.

(Morning Cup of Joe: Wikipedia)

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