Wednesday, October 22, 2014

Reading Diary Week 10: Great Plains

Wakanda, or Water God: I had a bit of trouble finding the moral lesson behind this story. It was a little difficult to read because of all of the "they say" phrases. I thought that it was interesting that the family would rather risk their child's life to have them back home than allow the child to live in the river without them. It could be interesting to retell this story from the child's prospective.

The Spirit Land:  This story sounded a lot like the biblical story of creation only this version used the crow as the vessel for how the earth came to be.

Coyote and Snake:  This is another classic case of pride and it's consequences. If the coyote had heeded the snakes warning and stepped two feet lateral to the snake, he would not had suffered. I do not like the ending of this story though. Yes, the coyote learned a lesson, but he did not live long enough to grow from it.

Ictinike and the Turtle: The very end of this story made me giggle. Ictinike was not mad that the turtle meat was gone, but rather that he did not remember having eating it although he assumed that had to have been the case!

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